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"Whoever travels a path in search of knowledge, Allahï·» will ease his path to Paradise."


Full-Time Boys School


Achieve the best of both worlds


An opportunity to study Islam, become a Hafidh or an Aalim, without compromising in secular education. Michigan Islamic Institute is a non-profit full-time school located in Warren, Michigan. We offer two separate Islamic curriculums, alongside in-classroom secular learning from Grades 5 through 12. Students at Michigan Islamic Institute are a blend of individuals who come from across the United States to take part in the sacred learning process of the Islamic religion while attaining a quality secular education.


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The vision of Michigan Islamic Institute is the preservation and practice of the pure message and transmission of sublime values in Islam by means of classical sources and dedicated scholars. One of the ways we aim to protect and continue the chain of learning of the sacred Islamic sciences is with our diverse set of tailored educational programs.


Alhamdulillah, with the blessing of Allah ï·» our institutions have been able to provide access to Islamic and/or secular educational programs since 2013. We are very fortunate and humbled to be able to provide these programs to our students, families, and friends. To embark on this journey and join the Michigan Islamic Institute ilm family, click on the link below.


With the blessings and tawfik of Allah ï·», we hope we can continue to serve our students and communities. If you are interested in supporting our institute, please share our efforts with your family and friends. We sincerely ask Allah ï·» to accept our efforts and your contributions towards the vision of serving the various facets of the community.

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